

类型:其它 微电影 科幻 其它 2003 




都市传说系列未增删带翻译樱花都市传说系(xì )列未增删带翻译樱花都市传(🕖)说系(xì )列(liè ):未增删带翻(fān )译(yì(🥕) )樱(🛬)花樱花,中国(guó )人熟悉(😩)的传(chuán )统(👮)象征之一(yī ),也是日本的国(guó )花(huā )。在中国的都市传说中,也有不少关于樱花的传(🔐)说。今天(tiān ),我们将介绍其中一些。首先,有一个关于樱花(huā )精(jīng )灵的传说(shuō )。据(jù )说(✳),每年的春天,樱花树(shù )都市传说(🖊)系列未增删带翻译樱花







City Legends Series: Unedited and Translated Sakura

Sakura, one of the traditional symbols familiar to the Chinese, is also the national flower of Japan. In Chinese urban legends, there are also many stories about sakura. Today, we will introduce some of them.

Firstly, there is a legend about sakura fairies. It is said that every spring, a beautiful fairy wearing a pink dress appears under the sakura trees. She is the sakura fairy, protecting the vitality of the trees. If someone picks sakura flowers under the tree, the sakura fairy will punish them and they will never be able to see the beautiful sight of sakura blooming again. This legend reminds us to respect nature and not to recklessly destroy their ecological environment.

Secondly, there is a love legend related to sakura. According to the legend, there is a beautiful girl living beside a sakura forest in southern China. Every spring when sakura is in full bloom, she dresses up in the most beautiful gown and waits under the sakura tree for her destined one to appear. It is said that only those who sincerely treat her well can find her under the sakura tree. If two people can meet and be together under the sakura, they will have a happy and fulfilling love. This legend makes people believe in the power of love and reminds us to treat others with sincerity.

Lastly, in Japan, which we are familiar with, there are also many legends related to sakura. One touching story is about a princess and a magical sakura tree. It is said that the princess was forced to marry a nobleman due to political considerations of the royal family. However, she deeply loved a commoner, and their love was profound. After the princess's death, her soul turned into a sakura tree. It is said that every spring, the soul of the princess returns to the sakura tree to reunite with her beloved one. This story conveys the power of love transcending social status and brings spiritual awakening to people.

In conclusion, sakura holds profound symbolic significance in Eastern culture and has given birth to many beautiful legends. Whether it is about the sakura fairy, love stories involving sakura, or the story of a sakura tree and love, they all convey people's contemplation of the beauty of nature and the power of emotions. The fleeting beauty of sakura not only attracts people's attention but also captivates their souls. May we experience the beauty of life and the warmth of love in the company of sakura blossoms.



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